Monday, September 5, 2016

Safe From the Storm

Hi all!

We were prepared for some pretty crazy weather here, but it ended up not being too bad where we were at. We had some wind and rain and there's always tons of lightning, but we made it. :) Sounds like they had some flooding in Tampa. 

We had a great mission leadership meeting this week and I learned so much! We talked a lot about living the higher law and taking our discipleship up a notch. One phrase that stuck out to me is that "greater agency brings greater growth." When it's out decision to really choose what we do we have more opportunities to grow. It's harder work, but it's more satisfying. I feel incredibly grateful to be able to work with the other missionaries here in Florida. They inspire me and build me. Their testimonies humble me. I'm grateful our Heavenly Father has given us each other (all of us!) to learn and grow together. 

Love you all, 

Sister Gessel 

Double rainbow! It was seriously huge! Pictures don't do it justice. 
Sandhill cranes!
I got to see Sister Jensen and Sister Hunt (from my MTC district) this past week! It was the best!

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