Monday, September 12, 2016

Birthday Week :)

Thank you all for the birthday wishes! :) It was such a great day. I don't have time to write much about it, but we had some really great lessons and it was a very uplifting day. I'm so grateful for the spirit. :) 

Love you all!

Sister Gessel

How pineapples grow is the coolest!
Jimmy turned 16 on my birthday! That's his little sister Kayla. He was ordained to be a priest yesterday!
My smothered vegetarian burrito from Tacos Daniel! It was the closest I could get to Cafe Rio. It was amazing!
We ate with Yolanda and Annalee - two ward members!

If you need a good talk to read check out Elder Holland's talk "The First and Great Commandment" from October 2012. :) 

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