Monday, September 26, 2016

Sister Zinck's First Alligator!

Hi all,

Wasn't the General Women's Meeting great? I know those messages were meant for each of us. I'm grateful for inspired leaders. What were you favorite parts? If you didn't get a chance to hear it, I hope you will listen to it this week! 

Some of my favorite parts were about faith and having a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ. I also loved Sister Bingham's message about having fervent, whole-hearted charity. We need to allow and encourage others to change. I think one of Satan's biggest lies that he pounds into us is that we can't change, that we're always going to be stuck the way we are or that others are never going to break out of habits, etc. People can and will change. We can change because of Christ and His Atonement. I'm grateful for that.

I hope you all have a great week preparing for conference!

Love you,

Sister Gessel

Sandhill Whooping Cranes
Beautiful Florida clouds!
An alligator in a pond here in Lake Wales! This was the first alligator we saw here in our actual area! 

Talks- Teaching after the Manner of the Spirit - Matthew O. Richardson - Oct 2011
The Candle of the Lord - President Boyd K. Packer - Jan 1983 Ensign

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