Monday, May 1, 2017

"But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually..."

Hermana Whitlock had never eaten Indian food! So we went and got chicken tikki masala, garlic naan and mango lassis! So good!!! The mango lassi was just like drinking a mango! We met this beautiful woman named Satia also! She was our server and her 2 kids and husband were there too. Argh, I want to go to India so badly! Someday!

So many miracles this week! God is good!

I'm sorry for not having a lot of time this week, but just know you are loved! By me and by our Heavenly Father! He knows you, turn to Him! His plan is 10x better than ours. We just have to take a step in the dark and our path will be illuminated. His light will always dispel the darkness of doubt or discouragement. :)

Love you,

Sister Gessel

2 Nephi 28
Hi everyone!

This week has been great! Hermana Whitlock and I have been working on
memorizing and knowing scriptures better and the one in the subject is
our scripture for the week! It's from Moroni 7:13. Last week was Romas
1:16. :) I'm really good at memorizing and then promptly we're going to work on retaining too. :)

Teaching Penny and helping her progress has been the most amazing part
of the week. :) She came to church yesterday! It was such a great
Sunday to come! I love missionary work! I wish I could describe to you
what it's like in words!

We've been getting to know the members and this is one their cards! So funny!

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