Monday, February 20, 2017

This week in Florida...

Sister Alder and I having a Valentine's Day picnic at the park.

At the McCulloch's "Valentine's Treat Diner." So cute! They had a put a table out in the shed in their backyard and served us a treat!

Sister Gafa and Sister Cook and I! (Sister Gafa only has one more transfer after this!!! CRazy!)

Sister Alder and I got some sushi and thai panang curry today! So good!

The gospel is true! When we live it we can experience even more of God's love in our lives! Also, don't worry so much! Things will all work out. We were worried about some things going on this week and we weren't quite sure what to do about it, but when we got to the church yesterday we found out that things had worked themselves out and everything was going to be ok. Don't worry, Heavenly Father knows PERFECTLY well what's going on. Trust Him. Trust in the power of the spirit. He's looking out for you and for others. Keep praying, keep doing your best, ultimately things will work out. :)

Love ya!

Sister Gessel

Proverbs 3:5-6
Hi everyone!

This week in Florida has been great! There have been a lot of
adventures! We met some new people and were able to teach more about
the Book of Mormon! One of the best parts of the week was a
specialized sisters training! All of the sister training leaders led
discussions/presentations on various topics including physical and
spiritual confidence, better teaching skills, companionship unity,
etc. It was so great! The spirit was so strong throughout it! There is
such power in women who are united in the work of the Savior! The
sisters here are seriously amazing. They gave such great comments and
insights and have such powerful testimonies. I think we as women just
really need each other. If you haven't had a chance yet I'd invite you
to read "It Isn't a Sin to Be Weak" by Wendy Ulrich in the April 2015
Ensign. Really think about what it means and you can even talk about
it with someone. I think when we really understand that weaknesses
come from God and can lead us closer to Him our lives will change! He
can give us strength through the enabling power of His Atonement that
will help us become more holy.

If you know me you know I don't really love Valentine's Day, but
spending it out serving other people makes it a great day! We had a
zone service day and we were able to paint houses and help with other
things! It was great! We also were able to heart attack some of the
members and investigators. :) A lady from our ward surprised us by
inviting us over to home for a small treat. It was so kind!

This week has been full of delicious food as well as a lot of other
great things! We went to a Peruvian restaurant last Monday and tried
Peruvian chicken fried rice, fried yucca as well as some crunchy corn
with a delicious sauce!

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