Monday, February 6, 2017

Fascinating Subject Line

Hi everyone!

Hope your week is going well! Things in Florida are good. :) I'm grateful for inspired an mission president and for change! We've been talking a lot about how we can improve and grow and what it really means to be consecrated. I've spent a little more time studying it and to me to consecrate means to "set apart." There's a quote from Preach My Gospel that I love.
 "President Spencer W. Kimball said: "The setting apart may btaken literally; it is setting apart from sin, apart from the carnal; apart from everything which is crude, low, vicious, cheap, or vulgar; set apart from the world thigher plane of thought and activity. The blessing is conditional upon faithful performance."

I'm grateful that each of us can set apart our lives to serve our Savior Jesus Christ! We are different and that's ok! I hope that we will set apart a little more of our day to spend in remembrance and study of the life of Our Savior! 

I love you all and I'm grateful for your examples! The gospel is true! The Book of Mormon is the word of God!

Sister Gessel

P.S. Rootstech looks amazing! I hope you all will check it out! Anyone remember Reading Rainbow? Gotta love LaVar Burton! Haha. 

First day we met Tiffiny!!
Sister Alder's first day biking! :) It felt so good to ride again! Lots of tender mercies that day.
Mission Leadership Council in Tampa 

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