Monday, January 9, 2017

Where's my coat??

Hello from Florida! 

This week has been amazing!! I know I have no room to speak, but it's been so cold this week!!! Haha, it's been in the 50s the past few days and we had to get out all the cardigans and jackets we have! 

This week has been a week of miracles! The biggest miracle has been meeting Tiffany!! Tiffany moved here from Tennessee four years ago and since then has been looking for a church family. She's gone to a lot of different churches, but she said they all preach love and acceptance, but they don't live it and they don't teach truth or hold anyone accountable! She met a member of the church named Doug a few years ago when they both worked at Chick Fil A. They became good friends and then earlier this year he moved to Hawaii. Recently they were talking and he sent her some videos and information about the church. She knew he was a member, but had been scared away by a few things she thought she knew about the church. She said as she was watching and thinking that the spirit told her so loudly that "Doug knows my truths!" She was still nervous, but she knew she needed to act. So Doug had given her the number of a member in our ward and she texted her about coming to church on Sunday. The member replied the same day and said she would be at the church that night and asked if she would like a tour of the church. She said she was nervous and was looking for excuses and reasons not to come, but she knew she needed to. She said as soon as she pulled into the parking lot that she felt a wave a peace and she just felt like she was at home! We were there at the church for a lesson and then for mutual and the husband of the member mentioned that his wife was giving a tour, so we went in and were able to meet her! She's incredible! She's 27 also and I feel so blessed to be able to know her! We were able to meet with her again on Saturday and she's been reading the Book of Mormon and just feels so good about everything. She came to church on Sunday and everyone loves her already! She was even able to meet the YSA branch president and his wife last night. We watched part of President Nelson's devotional too! (If you haven't watched it yet or even if you aren't a young adult - watch it! It'll bless you life! I wish you all could meet her and just feel of her enthusiasm, desire and willingness to follow Jesus Christ! I know this journey won't be without challenges for her, but I know it will be eternally worth it! 

Love you all! Miracles happen! God is preparing people! He's been working with them for a long time and you never know when it will be the right moment! I'm grateful Doug listened to the spirit and invited Tiffany to learn more! 

Love you all, have a great week! The gospel of Jesus Christ is true!

Sister Gessel


Mission Leadership Council this past week! 
Sister Myers and I! She goes home in a few weeks - crazy! She trained my trainer Sister Gafa! :) 
Sister Felt and I driving up to Tampa. :) 
Shout out to Michelle and Steven! Haha. I have discovered that in Sarasota there is a Clark Road, Kathleen Square, San Michelle Drive, Kathryn Street, Benjamin Lane and Amanda Way. :) 

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