Monday, January 23, 2017

Sarasota Update!

The moving elders were also able to help!

Yesterday we had an amazing opportunity to have a special devotional for members, nonmembers, etc. It was called Why I Believe and people who recently joined the church shared their testimonies and some of the missionaries sang! A group of sisters from our zone sang I Know That My Redeemer Lives (it was a different version called Testimony though), an elder sang Savior Redeemer of My Soul (one of my favorite songs ever!) and then most of the missionaries sang A Child's Prayer for the closing song! It was so powerful!

Love these people!

This is Tiffany!!! She's getting baptized on Saturday! She is so ready and so excited! She loved the fireside last night and we were able to introduce her to President and Sister Cooper!

Transfers this week! Sister Kirton is going out to Lake Wales!!!!!! I'm so excited for her! I'll be getting a new sister and I'm excited! Sarasota is a great place to be! I met a lady yesterday at church who was visiting from Pleasant Grove and she knows the Tueller's! I taught the Tueller's youngest son in junior high and Carson and Dallas I know from singles ward things. Such a small world!

I hope you all have a great week! Keep up all the good work. :) The gospel is true!

Sister Gessel

3 Nephi 4:33

Hi everyone!

This week has been so great!

We moved apartments this past week and some other sisters were able to
help! They were such life savers!

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