Monday, January 30, 2017

Tiffiny's Baptism!!

Hi everyone!
THIS WEEK HAS BEEN INCREDIBLE!!! Seriously so many miracles!! 

The absolute best part of the week was being able to be there for Tiffiny's baptism and confirmation! The spirit was so strong! She was so ready and so excited. She can't wait to get involved with everything and she's going to go to the temple to do baptisms soon! We're also super excited to help her get started on family history! There were so many things that tried to go wrong this last week to prevent her from being baptized or from not going as smoothly, but I'm convinced that it was all of our combined faith and especially that of Tiffiny that everything worked out. She said that Satan had been jabbing her all throughout the week but she said she knows that God is stronger and nothing would stop her. It's been incredible to see the ward members and the YSA members reach out to her and love her. 

Transfers were this past week and Sister Kirton moved out to Lake Wales (my old area!!!) and an awesome couple from Lake Wales was able to bring her and Sister Briggs out for it on Saturday!  It was so great to see the Smith's and to catch up on what's been going on in Lake Wales!! :) 

I got a new companion on Wednesday! Her name is Sister Alder and she's awesome! She's from St. George and she used to work at Tuachan doing lights! There are always so many miracles when new people come into the area! 

The gospel is true and when we apply it works! I love repentance, I love that we can change. It is truly miraculous to see the power of God work in the lives of others. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God! 

I love you all! Keep up the good work! Share your light with someone this week! You're you for a reason! :) 

Sister Gessel

Sister Kirton, me, Tiffiny and Sister Alder (my new companion!)
Bishop and Sister Dekle, Sister Kirton, me, Tiffiny, Sister Alder
Sister Briggs, Sister Alder, Sister Kirton and I :) 

Favorite talks this week:
To Young Women - Elder Holland - October 2005 General Conference (This is the one that talks about the great and spacious makeup bag, haha) 
Sharing the Restored Gospel - Elder Oaks - October 2016 General Conference (Love this talk about what we can do as members to share the gospel!)
Safety for the Soul - Elder Holland - October 2009 General Conference (it's about the Book of Mormon!)

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