Monday, November 7, 2016

It's not goodbye, it's see you soon

Hi everyone!

This week has been great! Lots of changes, but it's been good. Lake Wales will always have part of my heart, but I'm excited for the new adventure of being in Sarasota. :) 

My new companion, Sister Kirton, is great! She's from Littleton, Colorado and we have a lot in common. :) 

The best part of this last week was having Elder Jorg Klebingat from the Seventy come and visit our mission. I wish I could tell you all the things I've been learning, but it would take far too long. I know that one of the most important things we can do is to speak truth, all the time. That's what I felt like I heard from him all day. I want to be better at just sharing true doctrine and using the scriptures. 

I love you all! Stay strong in the faith! I know God lives and that He loves you! You are here at this time for a very specific reason! He knows us and He knows what we are capable of with His help. I know that as we seek to partner ourselves with Christ that He will help us. The church is true. There is true, pure doctrine here. It will uplift and inspire us as we seek after it. 

I hope you have a great week!

Sister Gessel

Scriptures- Alma 41:14, Alma 26:37

Pics - Sister Stripling! I love this woman! Boy does she have some stories! She also has one of the biggest hearts I know. 
Bishop, Sister Martin and their granddaughter Kara on Halloween. :) 
Me and Sammy Smith! 
Brother Charlemond! 
Brother Flemings - He is so funny! I will miss these two! 

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