Monday, May 2, 2016

Matt's Baptism!

Hi all! It's been a good week! Matt got baptized yesterday! He's mostly been taught by the other sisters here in the ward, but we switched companions so I've been working with him a little more! He has an amazing story! He's a senior in high school and he's been researching the church for a year after seeing Book of Mormon The Musical. He started chatting with missionaries on who gave him the phone number for Sister Slawson with Sister Torres! They started teaching him a little over a month ago and yesterday he got baptized! He has no family support, but the ward has really embraced him! It was so neat to watch all that has happened! I know there are people out there who are ready to hear the gospel! The Lord is preparing people. He will prepare us to help along the way if we're willing.

I love you all and the know the gospel is true!

Sister Gessel

Pics - Zone Development Day last Monday! -  Tampa Bay (from a few weeks ago - Sister Slawson and I doing gel nails last week - Matt's Baptism! 

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