Monday, May 16, 2016

Lake Wales - Week 2!

Hello again from Lake Wales!

This week has been great! It's definitely getting hotter. We will survive somehow! :) 

I don't even know where to start. We knocked on a door of a woman yesterday and we offered to pray with her. We typically ask if there's anything we can pray for and she said things were going well but that she was trying to get over an addiction. We prayed with her and started talking about ways that others have overcome similar problems. As we were talking she just started crying and she paused and said "I know the Lord sent you to me. I've never even met you! And He sent you." I know the Lord loves her and was mindful of her. I know the things we shared with her weren't from us, but they were from the spirit. I'm so grateful that God allowed us to be there at the right time and in the right place. I know that as we pray sincerely and listen to the spirit that we can be that person who is in the right place at the right time. He will help us know what to say. I am far from perfect and say things that don't make any sense or I ask confusing questions, etc. What matters is that we're trying and when it really matters for someone our Heavenly Father will help us. Don't worry that you won't say the right thing or that you'll just be in the way. God is good and He won't lead us astray. :)

I love you all! I hope you have a great week! I encourage you to pray this week to be in the right place at the right time for someone. I know that through the Lord we can all be answers to someone else's prayer.

Sister Gessel

P.S. Enos 1:1-12 - Prayer is great! Also - this quote from zone conference - "A God who makes no demands is the functional equivalent of a God who does not exist." Elder Christofferson

Pics - The sunrise and fog as we were driving to zone conference this past week!
-Me and Sister Faalaulau! She's so great!

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