Monday, May 30, 2016


Hi all!

It's been an exciting week! We went on exchanges with another set of sisters and Jimmy got baptized!!

First off, there are always miracles on exchanges. When we're willing to improve and get our full effort, He will bless us to be where we need to be. 

Second, Jimmy got baptized! He's a 15 year old young man who met Sister Faalaulau and Sister Opificius tracting at the beginning of April. I met him when I got here at the beginning of May. They invited him to the seminary class held on Wednesday nights and he came! He's been coming ever since! To church, activities, seminary, etc.! It's amazing! He has always had such a special light about him. He has been prepared by our Heavenly Father long before we met him. He's been unsure if he's ready for baptism and wanted to make sure he's fully ready before he committed. We invited him to fast and pray and he did! He always has questions and wants to learn more! He has the biggest smile and I know others will want to know about the gospel simply by the person he is. 

Also, Yolanda is getting baptized next Saturday! Her son was baptized in February and she said she's always known she would join. Now she feels like she's ready. Being with her and watching her change has been so amazing!

God is good! He loves us! He's mindful of us! Obeying his gospel will bring us and those around us more happiness than we know now. 

I love you all! Thank you for keeping the missionaries in your prayers. 

Sister Gessel 

Pictures - Me and Sister Faalaulau - Me and Sister Briggs - Sister Briggs, Durrant, Faalaulau and I! - The amazing Florida clouds! 

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