Monday, April 10, 2017

Changes all around :)

Hi everyone! 

Hope your week has been good! There are some exciting changes coming! I found out I will get to go be with Sister Whitlock at the mission office and do some online missionary work! I'm really excited! It'll be a good change. Sister Alder will be going to a new area too. :) 

One thing that I'm so grateful for is that the spirit always is working with us to prepare us for change. I'm so grateful for the people I've met here in Sarasota, it's been an incredible area to be in. Sister Felt will be coming up and I'm excited for that! We will be leaving the Harpers and others in good hands. :) At times in my mission I've gotten caught up thinking that we as the missionaries are the ones holding everything together. I've had so many reminders that we've just got to rely on Him. The Lord will accept of out efforts if we do our best. President reminded me of this scripture in Doctrine and Covenants 101:16 "Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God." 

The gospel is true, Heavenly Father is in charge, it's not over till it's over. 

Love you, 

Sister Gessel

Some of the awesome YSA Relief Society sisters! :) I will miss them! 
Don't forget to check out :) 

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