Monday, April 4, 2016

Conference Weekend!

Hi everyone! :) 

Wasn't conference the best? I don't know if it just keeps getting better or if it's just me that is more prepared to listen to it! Haha, either way, I'm grateful to be able to listen to a prophet of God! 

I could share a million things, but I'll just share one. Like Elder Holland, I know that God will never desert us. He will always stand by us. He loves us with all His heart, might, mind and strength. We need never fear, He will help us. I'm grateful for his reminder that the Lord will bless those who want to improve. Heaven is cheering us on! 

I love you all and pray that we will all change even one thing from what we learned this conference. We are here to learn and grow! 

May the Lord bless you in your efforts this week! 

Love you,

Sister Gessel 

P.S. The pictures are from our district meeting this past week and the other is me and Sister Gafa. :) 

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