Monday, April 11, 2016


Quickly, this week was good!

Two things! We got to pray with a deaf family this week! It was so cool! I thought they were joking because people tend to find ways to avoid talking to you. We wrote back and forth and we offered to pray. They said yes and that they would read my lips! So cool! I wish I remembered more sign language! 

We met a man a week ago out on his porch and he got talking about some hard times. We prayed with him and he promised that if his week went well he would come to church on Sunday. We stopped by Saturday night and he said his week went well and guess what! He came to church! It was so great! I could tell he felt peace there.

There are always tender mercies if you're looking for them. Keep your eyes open, the Lord is telling you He loves you in so many ways!

Love you all!

Sister Gessel 

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