Monday, August 14, 2017

He sees the end from the beginning

Our awesome young women :)

Sisters Barlow, Graham, Ward, House, Duffin, Whitlock and I - Love them all!

Went on an exchange with Sister Graham and the neighbors of a member had a super cute puppy!


Temple Terrace missionaries with Brother Engebretsen our ward mission leader. :)

Hello everyone,

The church is true and the work is His! I'm looking forward to making
the most of the week with His help. None of it is possible without
Him. I'm grateful for the love of my Savior. I'm grateful that He
accepts me weaknesses and all. Through Him I know that those
weaknesses can be made strong.

This week was a good one. I got to go on my last exchange. :) It was
great. I love being able to share the gospel. It really does bring
happiness. Penny is going to do baptisms at the temple this week! We
are so excited for her! She's so excited too and she got her recommend
yesterday! We are looking forward to having FHE with her and a member
family tonight. :)

I'm so grateful for the many experiences I've had here. They have
helped shape me and change me. I know the Lord had a plan for me here
in Florida and also has a plan for my future. He always sees so much
more in us then we see in ourselves.

I know the gospel is the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that the
church was restored with the priesthood power of God. Living the
principles of the gospel and partaking of the ordinances are how we
can return to live with our Father. I know The Book of Mormon is not
just an ordinary book. It a book given to us by God. As we read and
study and pray we can receive personal revelation about our lives. We
can receive a witness for ourselves of the truth.

I am so grateful for all your love and support. I'm grateful we can
all help each other return to where we came from. It's not an easy
journey, but it is worth every step.

I love you! I'm praying for you!

Sister Gessel

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own
understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy
paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

Sister Slawson and I! Such a tender mercy that I got to see her this week!

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