Monday, March 20, 2017


We had a great exchange filled with miracles this past week! :) Love my sisters!

Our ward mission leader took us out for fish a few weeks ago!

I am so excited for General conference! In case you didn't know the women's conference is this next Saturday! Don't forget to think of some questions you'd like to ponder! The prophets are inspired by God and through the spirit and their words our questions can be answered! :)

Love you all,

Sister Gessel

D&C 100:4-8
"The Will Within" President Monson - April 1987 - Such a good talk!

Hi everyone! :)

We had a great zone training meeting this past week! It's always great
to get together and learn from each other and the spirit! :) This is a
picture of our zone! Our MTC district is finally together in the same
zone! Sister Hunt, Sister Jensen and I! :)

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