Monday, December 19, 2016

Merry Christmas!

The Relief Society Christmas party! It was at the fanciest house I've ever seen. A less active we've been working with came!!

This is Tania! She's awesome. We have been teaching her and her son. :)

Thoughts from the Savior of the World production I was in last year have been coming to my mind. I was thinking yesterday about Thomas and his experience of doubting that the Savior had come back. I was reading in a few different places in the gospels and I love that the first thing He always says is 'Peace, be unto you.' Because of our Savior we can have true peace.

Merry Christmas! Enjoy the cold for me! I miss it. :) Can't wait for this upcoming week, there are bound to be miracles. You know, I've been thinking, a lot of people only go to church 2 times a year and one of those is Christmas. If you have friends or family or neighbors that don't go often this is an awesome opportunity to ask people if they have someplace to go on Christmas Day. Pray for opportunities to invite people and I promise they will come! Whether or not people accept is up to them, we are successful when we invite.

Love you! I believe in you!

Sister GesselMerry Christmas from Florida!

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