Monday, June 13, 2016

Have you ever had boiled peanuts?

Hi everyone! Just some quick pictures this week. 

We went on exchanges with Sister Morgan and Sister Nasman! They are great! So fun to get to know other missionaries and learn from them! 

We taught a lady who had the most adorable teacup chihuahua! 

Jimmy and his little sister Kayla after a lesson we had! He pretends he doesn't like her, but we know differently. :) Also, he got to teach part of the lesson in young men's and pass the Sacrament yesterday!

Have you ever had boiled peanuts? I know it sounds bizarre, but they really are delicious! Next time you're in the south you have to try them! 

Love you all! Hope you have an enjoyable week! You are never alone. 

Sister Gessel 

Alma 26: 27, 35-37 The Lord is mindful of all of us! That in itself is a miracle. 

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