Monday, June 27, 2016

Meet Sister Zinck!

Wow, it's been an exciting week!

I got a new companion! And guess what!? She's also polynesian! All of my companions have either been Samoan or part Samoan! I love it!

Quick favorite scripture of the week - Moroni 8:16 "Behold, I speak with boldness having authority from God; for I fear not what man can do, for perfect love casteth out all fear."

I wish I had more time to share, but my time has run out. :) 

Don't forget that you are loved! By me and most especially by our Heavenly Father!  

Keep the faith! Read The Book of Mormon and just the scriptures in general! They're great!

Sister Gessel 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer - Part 2

Brief picture explanation

Sister Fa and I at the beach!

Sisters playing spike ball. 

Some of my favorite people all in one picture! This has my past companions and the sisters who were also in my MTC district who came out with me! Love it!

Enjoying the beautiful sunset!

An exchange we went on with the sisters in the Citrus Ridge Area. I found out this week that their area is a mile from Disneyworld and if they time it right when they're coming home they can see the fireworks! How neat is that? 

Love you all! Keep smiling and keep working!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Have you ever had boiled peanuts?

Hi everyone! Just some quick pictures this week. 

We went on exchanges with Sister Morgan and Sister Nasman! They are great! So fun to get to know other missionaries and learn from them! 

We taught a lady who had the most adorable teacup chihuahua! 

Jimmy and his little sister Kayla after a lesson we had! He pretends he doesn't like her, but we know differently. :) Also, he got to teach part of the lesson in young men's and pass the Sacrament yesterday!

Have you ever had boiled peanuts? I know it sounds bizarre, but they really are delicious! Next time you're in the south you have to try them! 

Love you all! Hope you have an enjoyable week! You are never alone. 

Sister Gessel 

Alma 26: 27, 35-37 The Lord is mindful of all of us! That in itself is a miracle. 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Yolanda's Baptism!

Hi all! 

Exciting things happening here in Florida. Apparently we have a tropical storm on it's way today. Not quite sure what to expect, but we should be fine. :) 

Yolanda was baptized on Saturday! Her son Lorenzo was baptized in February and he was able to baptize her! It was amazing! Lorenzo and his friend Jessica also played a viola and classical guitar duet of How Great Thou Art after the baptism! It was so beautiful. Being able to be there for the baptism and confirmation was so great, but the very best part has been seeing her progression and excitement and growth along the way! She wasn't sure she could quit coffee for good, but we set a solid baptismal date and she did it for herself! She even quit earlier than she said she would because she wanted to make sure she was doing it willingly and not because the time was up for her to do it. She's had so many great heartfelt questions. She has been able to get through so much because she's been learning how to rely more on our Savior. I'm so proud of her and excited for her. I know our Heavenly Father is too! I wish you all could meet her! 

One thing I've been really learning and thinking about this week is faith. I think we all go through different periods where we have great faith and other times where our faith is tested. I know that whatever we're going through, if we're doing our best to do what's right that even though we will still be tested, one day we'll be able to look back and see that He did have a plan for us. That things were able to work out for our good. We are on His timing and in His hands. He loves us. Of that I'm sure. 

Love you all! Don't forget to turn to Him - today and everyday!

Sister Gessel

Pics - Lorenzo, Yolanda, Sister Faalaulau, me! - I know it's hard to see, but where that tower is (Bok Tower) is the highest elevation in Florida! - Me and Sister Fa in the car :) - Me, Jessica Opificius (the sister who was teaching Yolanda before I came) and Sister Fa after the baptism! Sister Opificius was able to come back and speak at Yolanda's baptism!